How to get rid of Pegions

Pigeons can cause considerable nuisance in many situations, from the porch and roof areas to the ones near industries. Ever questioned, “How can I get rid of pigeons?” You’re not alone with this menace, as they can be responsible for property damage at times and spread diseases, but above all, it’s their excreta and way of nesting that turns living into hell. There are, however, a few ways to help move these pigeons away from the premises.

How to Keep Pigeons Away from Your Balcony

If pigeons have invaded your balcony, then you should immediately do something about it to avoid further damage and distress. Following are some of the methods for removing pigeons:

  • Bird control netting is among the sure physical ways to keep pigeons off your balcony. It keeps these birds away from those things they target to land and live on, hence a permanent solution if installed properly. This is more expensive but highly efficient.
  • Spikes and Bird Wires: Anti-perching spikes or bird wires installed along the ledges or rails will keep pigeons from landing on your balcony. These spikes make it uncomfortable for the pigeons to perch, thus making them move to some other place.
  • Shock tracks: Other effective ways of keeping pigeons from landing are these. In fact, these systems do give a mild electric shock that does not harm the birds but makes perching uncomfortable. This is quite effective in order to keep them away and can be fixed on areas where the pigeons normally perch.
  • Plastic Snakes or Rubber Birds: Though a temporary solution, using effigies such as plastic owls or rubber snakes can really startle the pigeons in the initial days. The pigeons may soon get used to them, so it is advisable to use this along with other methods.
  • Other options include the application of repellents and gels, which are applied by applying gel repellents to the ledges or any other areas where these birds are likely to sit comfortably. The sticky substance used makes them feel uncomfortable resting on such surfaces; hence, it will push them to look for a better place to settle.

How to Deter Pigeons from Nesting

Pigeons are very tenacious birds; once they find an area to nest, they certainly will be back for more. To avoid the nesting of pigeons, here are ways:

  • Nesting Deterrents: Remove all materials that the pigeons could use to build their nests. Where the pigeons have nested, remove the nest and the eggs laid to avoid further birth processes. You can even use bird netting to block areas that pigeons wish to build their nests in.
  • Ultrasonic and Sonic Emitters: These work on the principle of emitting sounds not pleasant for the pigeons to hear; therefore, they would not prefer to stay in that place. Gradually, these sounds would serve as a possible deterrent for these birds to nest.
  • Physical Deterrents: Some forms of wire mesh or even spikes around the nesting places will surely keep these pigeons off guard. Simply closing up their every access and possible home place should essentially prevent the presence of the bird.

Removing Pigeons From Your Roof

Pigeons nesting and roosting on roofs pose the biggest headaches for most homeowners and businesspeople. Here’s how you can get rid of pigeons on the roof:

  • Wire and Netting Roof Installation: Similar to balcony deterrents, putting wire coils and bird netting materials along the edge of the structure will prevent further perching and nesting by pigeons. Preventing them in this manner creates a very awkward position for their comfort on one’s roof.
  • The shock track systems are also one of the effective pigeon repeller systems that can be installed along your roof. The shock track system applies a light pulse of electrical charge that discourages birds from perching or resting.
  • Solar Panel Protection: Pigeons are also commonly found resting on solar panels. You may cover the panels with metal mesh or netting around to keep them off the panels.

How to Discourage Pigeons Nesting

If you’re looking for ways to deter pigeons from nesting on your property, here are several techniques you can try:

  • Rubber Snakes and Plastic Birds: Strategically placing rubber snakes or plastic birds around points that may seem to be potential sites for nesting will temporarily do the trick in warding off these pigeons. However, this may or may not last too long, for pigeons generally get used to seeing these rubber snakes and plastic birds.
  • Bright Reflective Objects: Generally, the pigeons stay away from anything bright and reflective surfaces. Hence, to name a few objects, aluminum foil, CD disks, or reflective tape can be set up in a manner that they puzzle the pigeons with much fear that prohibits them from building their nests there.
  • Ultrasonic Repellers: These work by emitting a high-frequency sound that creates unease in the birds; these are effective since they prevent nesting when the devices have been placed near the points that the pigeons most possibly intend to use.

Comparison of Methods to Get Rid of Pigeons

MethodBest ForAdvantagesDisadvantages
Bird Control NettingBalcony, RoofHighly effective and permanentExpensive installation
Spikes and Bird WiresLedges, RailsLow-cost, easy installationMay only move birds to other areas
Shock TracksRoof, BalconyProvides effective deterrentProfessional installation may be required
Plastic Snakes / Rubber BirdsTemporary deterrentInexpensiveShort-term effectiveness, pigeons adapt
Ultrasonic EmittersLarge areas, RoofEffective over a wide areaBirds may acclimate to the sound
Gels and RepellentsPerching AreasEasy to applyRequires reapplication, may cause harm to smaller birds

Why Choose Us for Bird Control?

Best@Pest can provide personalized, comprehensive pigeon control at its best. From Bird Control Netting and Shock Track Systems to every other professional way to take away effectively and keep pigeons from nesting, we offer our expertise in whatever problem area it is with pigeons you might be faced. Be it a balcony, your roof, or that industrial facility that those little birds may well call home, we have a solution for your benefit.


Physical barriers include bird netting, spikes, etc., while deterrence includes ultrasonic emitters and even rubber snakes to fend them off. If you have pigeons, there are a number of different ways to handle the problem. Best@Pest offers customized pigeon control services in New York to help you get rid of the pigeons and keep them from coming back. Be it your balcony, rooftop, or industrial facility, we have all the tools and expertise to provide a solution that lasts.