effective way to get rid of pigeons

How to outsmart winged city dwellers in NYC to reclaim your urban space

Dealing with pigeons nesting and roosting on or near your property can be a nuisance and potentially lead to health and property damage issues. Here are some effective way to get rid of pigeons and birds which can be taken to address the problem of pigeons nesting and roosting:

Identify nesting and roosting sites: Locate where the pigeons are nesting and roosting. Common areas include ledges, roofs, eaves, rafters, and trees near buildings.

Remove food and water sources: Pigeons are attracted to areas with readily available food and water. Ensure that outdoor food sources, such as spilled birdseed, garbage, and pet food, are cleaned up to discourage pigeons sitting in the area. It has proved to be an effective way to get rid of pigeons.

Block access to nesting sites: Prevent pigeons from accessing their preferred nesting and roosting sites by using physical barriers such as bird netting, spikes, wire mesh, or bird slope devices. These barriers can deter pigeons from landing and nesting on your property.

Trim vegetation: Remove or trim trees, bushes, and other vegetation near your property that provide roosting or nesting spots for pigeons.

Scare tactics: Use visual deterrents such as reflective objects, predator decoys, or motion-activated devices to scare away pigeons. These methods can disrupt their sense of safety and make them seek shelter elsewhere.

Repellents: Consider using bird repellents like taste aversions or bird gel to make roosting sites undesirable for pigeons. Always follow the instructions on the repellent products carefully.

Professional assistance: If the pigeon problem persists or if it is severe, consider seeking help from professional pest control or wildlife management services. They can assess the situation and provide effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

It’s important to address pigeon nesting and roosting issues promptly to prevent potential property damage, health hazards from droppings, and nuisance behavior. By implementing these strategies and taking proactive measures, you can mitigate the problems associated with pigeons and birds control on your property.

How to get rid of pigeons on roof top:

Getting rid of pigeons from your roof can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can try to deter them effectively. Here are some methods to consider for removing pigeons from your roof:

Install bird spikes: Bird spikes are physical barriers that can be attached to ledges, rooflines, and other surfaces where pigeons roost. The spikes make it uncomfortable for pigeons to land and nest, encouraging them to find another location.

Use bird netting: Installing bird netting over areas where pigeons tend to roost can effectively block them from accessing those spaces. Make sure the netting is securely fastened to prevent pigeons from getting underneath it.

Apply bird repellents: There are various bird repellent products available, such as bird gels, sprays, and taste aversions, that can discourage pigeons from nesting on your roof. Follow the instructions carefully when applying these repellents.

Use visual deterrents: Visual deterrents like reflective objects, predator decoys (e.g., fake owls or hawks), or motion-activated devices can startle and deter pigeons from landing on your roof.

Maintain cleanliness: Keep your roof and surrounding areas clean and free of food sources that may attract pigeons. Remove any spilled birdseed, garbage, or standing water that could be appealing to them.

Trim trees and vegetation: Pigeons may use overhanging branches or dense foliage near your roof as a landing spot. Trimming trees and vegetation can reduce potential roosting sites for pigeons.

Installation of bird shock electric tracks: install where birds are nesting, such as on business signs, under eaves, and on roof ledges. These bird deterrent tracks provide humane electric shock as pigeons try to sit or nest in that area.

Seek professional help: If the pigeon infestation on your roof is persistent or severe, consider contacting professional pest control or wildlife management services. They can assess the situation, provide expert advice, and offer effective solutions for removing pigeons from your property.

It’s important to address pigeon infestations promptly to prevent damage to your property and potential health risks associated with bird droppings. By combining these methods and taking proactive measures, you can help deter pigeons from roosting on your roof.

How to get rid of pigeons on balcony:·          

 How to keep pigeons away from my balcony? This is the question everyone living in New York wants an answer. Getting rid of pigeons from your balcony can be challenging, but there are several effective strategies you can try to deter them. Here are some methods to consider for removing pigeons from your balcony:

Block access points: Inspect your balcony for any openings or gaps that pigeons may be using to access the area. Seal off these entry points with physical barriers like bird netting, wire mesh, or bird spikes to prevent pigeons from landing and roosting.

Remove food sources: Pigeons are attracted to balconies with accessible food sources. Keep your balcony clean and free of food crumbs, spills, and pet food that may attract pigeons. An effective way to get rid of pigeons, secure garbage cans and bird feeders to minimize food availability.

Use visual deterrents: Install visual deterrents such as reflective objects, predator decoys, or scare balloons on your balcony to startle and deter pigeons. These visual cues can disrupt the pigeons’ sense of safety and make them seek shelter elsewhere.

Apply bird repellents: Consider using bird repellent products like bird gels, sprays, or taste aversions designed to make roosting areas uncomfortable for pigeons. Follow the instructions carefully when applying these repellents.

Install spikes or wires: Installing bird spikes or wires on ledges, railings, and other flat surfaces on your balcony can prevent pigeons from landing and roosting. These physical barriers create an uncomfortable surface for pigeons to perch on.

Scare tactics: Use motion-activated devices that emit noise or spray water to scare pigeons away from your balcony. Alternatively, you can create loud noises or use a water hose to discourage them from returning.

Seek professional help: If your efforts to deter pigeons from your balcony are unsuccessful or if the infestation is severe, consider contacting professional pest control or wildlife management services. They can assess the situation and provide effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

By implementing these strategies and taking proactive measures, you can effectively deter pigeons from roosting on your balcony and prevent potential damage and nuisance behavior associated with pigeon infestations

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